Some time in 2006
Welcome to the new website! Beautifully designed by the ever-adorable and talented Janine Stoll. She makes fabulous websites, and she makes pretty music too! When you’re done looking around here, you should check out her website. Tell her how cute she is and she might invite you over and make you pancakes.
Speaking of cute…one of the Ladybird Sideshow ladies has just released a new cd! Melissa McClelland presents to you: Thumbelina’s One Night Stand. I was privileged enough to do some backing vocals on a couple tracks. You can already hear some of the songs from the cd on the radio. Our little ‘Smelly’ is going to be famous! Yay!
Speaking of famous…Andrew Aldridge and I just returned from a great tour of Holland and Germany. The photo above is of us in Arnhem, Holland. Oh, how I love it there. People in Europe appreciate music in a totally different way than North Americans. It’s a sweet place to play live, and I consider myself very lucky that my music takes me there. Big thanks to all my friends who make it all possible.
Speaking of thanks….thanks for stopping by the new digs. Come back soon! I’ll make cookies.
February 20th, 2006
A photo I took on one of the beaches of Kihei, Maui. *sigh*
Melissa, Janine and I were fortunate enough to be able to visit
our wayward Ladybird, Erin in her new digs there. We played some
shows, laid on beaches, watched whales, swam with sea turtles, watched
Erin play with her new band, drank lots, hung out with Roscoe and
Byron....and of course, took millions of photos; some of which you'll
be able to see on the Ladybird Sideshow site soon. Erin...thank
you so much for having us. It was so great to see you and sing with
you again. I miss you terribly.
Some solo shows are confirmed for Europe in April. I'm finally
coming back and I can't wait! Look here
for details.
One of my favourite things on the internet is right here.
And... I'm addicted to this game.
Be warned, you'll be hooked too. Just ask Melissa and Janine...
December 17th, 2005
A fine winter day in Ontario.
Finally got the Jakalope
in Japan photos on line. I put them on a yahoo site because
of the amount (there's lots) so click on the 'slide show' option
for best viewing. And....look for a new Jakalope
cd in the new year!
Great news at the Ladybird
Sideshow camp! Janine, Melissa and I will be heading to Maui
in February to visit our missing little bird Erin. It's been a year
since she left us and I can't tell you how excited I am to see her...and
sing with her again! And it will be nice to get out of Ontario in
the midst of the 'winter blahs' time of year. Can't wait.
Set myself up one of those fancy 'Myspace' pages. Looky here.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday!
October 10th, 2005
A photo of the Jakalope
show in Japan last week. Wow...what a place. We all took loads of
pictures. I'll post the links soon. Thanks to Pony
Canyon Records and to all involved in making the trip so much
fun. Big hugs to the 'lopers. Thanks for letting me do my little
singin' thing in your band. You guys rock!
When I get home, I'm joining Jacob
Moon for a string of shows. Check out his new cd 'Eventide'...it's
amazing! There's a Jaklope show in Toronto at the end of October,
and some shows with Melissa and Janine coming up. As always...click
here for all the details.
Fall is here....yay!
August 15th, 2005
A couple days ago, I was lucky enough to add some backing vocals
to the new cd Melissa
McClelland is working on. It's gonna be amazing folks. Look
for it in the new year on the Orange
Record Label.
Speaking of Ladybird ladies...Janine
Stoll has released a new cd called "This is where we bury
it." People, it's stunning. Please head on over to her site
and take a listen. Then make sure you buy it.
played a funky show in Edmonton this month. Photos are coming soon.
We're playing in Wasaga Beach on the 27th of August with Theory
of a Deadman, The Marble Index and The Waking Eyes. Should be quite
the show.
I'm taking a break from playing solo shows for a while. There's
the show in Toronto in September, but that will be it for a while.
Need to take some time to write and start working on the next cd.
Hmmm....new cd...
June 11th, 2005
June is "Adopt a Cat Month!" You can adopt the big fat
cat above at the Toronto
Humane Society . Her name is Chuckles. Haven't you always wanted
a big fat cat named Chuckles? I know I have.
Another cool tour with Jakalope
has come and gone. Photos are here.
Catch "the 'lopers" at Edgefest in Toronto on July 1st.
This week, my wonderful friend Melissa
McClelland is singing backing vocals for Sarah McLachlan for
the last five shows of her tour. Yay Melissa!!!!
Sad news from Hamilton. The
Staircase Theatre and Cafe will be closing July 2nd. The Staircase
filled a void in Hamilton's arts/music culture for many years. The
staff were fabulous and everything on their menu was extra yummy.
Please stop by and show your support to this great spot before they
close. There's hope someone will take over the business, so let's
keep our fingers crossed for that.
Stay cool!
March 15th, 2005
Just finished up a great tour with Jakalope.
Loads of fun! Above is a back stage shot of the band. From left
to right is Shawn Stubbs, Katie B, Matt Hyde, me, Matt Warhurst,
Phil Caivano and Dave Ogilvie. They are all fabulous folks to hang
out with, and they're all amazing musicians to boot. Special thanks
to Russ, Jeff, Metal, Aubrey and everyone else involved. Here are
photos of the tour. There's
talk of a few western Canada dates in May...I'll keep you updated.
Those imposing/supporting the current ban on pitbulls in Ontario
should watch this.
February 7th, 2005
in December. It was surely a sad night for all. You may have already
heard, little bird Erin has decided to leave us (hopefully just
temporarily!) and head to warmer weather and sweeter skies in Maui.
Puts a little dent in the live show thing, but you haven't heard
the last of the 'birds! We're still going to try to tour when we
can (hopefully in Maui!) and of course we're still the best of friends...regardless
of the miles between us.
And since Skee has been having such a great time in the sun....Janine
has decided to shuffle down there and check it out too. She has
a return flight booked, but somehow, I think the allure of the place
might just keep her there. *sigh* Hmm....maybe the 'birds should
take over the island! Look out Hawaii!
In other news, I'll be touring with super-group Jakalope
at the end of this month. I did some backing vocals for the cd,
and they've asked me to be a part of the live show as well. Very
Check out the info for those shows, and others on the live
p.s. Sorry about the update delay!
November 25th, 2004
It's here! It's here! The Ladybird Sideshow "Live at the Orange
Lounge" cd is finished, and in our hot (well...at least warm)
little hands. But really...it should be in your hands! Come to the
cd release shows this weekend to get a copy,
or you can go to the order page and see
all the other ways to get one. You wont be disappointed. It looks
great (thanks to design queen Janine) and sounds great too (thanks
to pretty Ladybird singing, and the awesome recording digs at the
Orange Lounge.) We're proud of our new baby and can't wait to show
it off to all of you.
The Hamilton Music Awards were great fun. My sweet friend Melissa
McClelland won for "Best Video" and "Best Female
Artist of the Year." Yay Melissa!!!
October 22nd, 2004
Over two nights last month at the Orange Studios in Toronto, the
long awaited Ladybird Sideshow 'live' cd was recorded. Here are
photos of night
one and night
two. (more pics to come) Thanks to family, friends and fans
who were there with us, and big thanks to the Orange staff for making
it possible. Special thanks and extra hugs to Daryn Barry and Metal
for making it sound great. We're mixing and getting the packaging
ready so keep your eye on our website
for the official release date and shows to follow. Yay!
Here's something strange...I've been nominated for a Hamilton
Music Scene Award for "Best Female Artist" of the
year. I have no idea who nominated me, but thanks! A few of my favourite
musicians have also been nominated for awards, including Melissa
McClelland, Shawn Brush and Jamie Oakes. In the Hamilton Music Industry
Awards category, my beautiful friend Mavreen David has been nominated
too. Check out the website
for details about the "Gala Reception" and the live performance
I'm fascinated by the fall colours of the trees. Anyone else notice
they're especially brilliant this year?
September 2nd, 2004
Away and home...away and home. Kicked it to Quebec, Montreal and
Ottawa with Melissa McClelland and Lindy where they kicked ass with
their killer music. Played the 'Festival of Friends' with a couple
of my fabulous friends. Spent a weekend at a great northern cottage
and played the 'Fred Eaglesmith Great Northern Festival' with my
Ladybirds. Headed to beautiful Bermuda to visit a beautiful friend.
All incredible experiences. I'm so grateful to be able to travel
as much as I do.
Leaves have begun taking their leave from the trees. My favourite
time of year is upon us.....
July 5th, 2004
What a great couple of weeks. The tour with Melissa and Lindy was
amazing, then the festival with the Ladybirds couldn't have been
better. Lots of photos of both adventures are here
(tour) and here
Lots more great shows in the months ahead. Check out the
live page wont ya?
Congrats to my friend Tor Lukasik-Foss (Tiny
Bill Cody)...he's a new dad!
June 9th, 2004
Holy moose...summer is here!
Some great news for a wonderful friend of mine...Jeremy
Fisher went and got himself signed to Sony Music. No one is
more deserving of an amazing record deal like that. Congrats to
you Jeremy...(and Jill whom I'm sure had a hand in it all!)
I'll be singing backing vocals with Melissa McClelland for her
western Canada tour starting next week. The tour is a double bill
affair with Melissa's label-mate Lindy,
whose incredible cd Suspension of Disbelief has finally been
released. You can see all the details about the tour on Melissa's
Then, at the end of this month, the Ladybird
Sideshow will play at the Thundering
Women Festival in Thunder Bay. I'm excited about this festival
because one of my favourite musicians Jane
Siberry will be performing. I've been listening to and loving
her music since I was in high school. I wonder if I will have the
opportunity (or the courage!) to tell her how much she has inspired
me over the years. Hope I don't geek out! There are many other great
acts at the festival that I am looking forward to...should be a
groovy time!
Update: All the kittens I fostered were adopted the same day I
returned them to the shelter. Mom cat was adopted about 2 weeks
later. Yay!
April 24th, 2004
Life...a strange and wonderful thing...
Today, sad news of the passing of talented Kitchener singer/songwriter
Matt Osborne. I met him several times over the years and was always
inspired by his music and kind nature. We'll miss you Matt.
Also today...the happy news that Ladybird Erin
Smith is an aunt!!! Erin's sister delivered her first child
early this morning. Congrats to all...especially Auntie Pants!
More news on the Ladybird front...Melissa McClelland's long awaited
cd "Stranded in Suburbia" is finally available in stores.
Because of hard work all around by Melissa, Mavreen
and the Orange
Record Label, you can pick the cd up at your local retailer.Yipee!
We'll all be at the cd release show on the 30th of this month, and
you should too! Check out Melissa's
website for all the details.
March 16th, 2004
Those who know me, know about my intense love of animals. As well
as my own clan of critters, occasionally I let some wayward furry
friends temporarily share my home. Above is the current family.
Mom cat and her 5 babies were dropped off at the Toronto
Humane Society by their owner. Obviously the kittens are too
young to be adopted out, so they and their mom will stay with me
until they are ready to go to new homes. If you are interested in
fostering (or adopting!) shelters
around the world are always looking for help in both departments.
It's a very rewarding way to help an animal in need.
Yesterday, Melissa
McClelland filmed a video for her song "Jaded." Some
of her friends (including me!) were lucky enough to share in the
day and the shoot. Here's some pictures.
February 11th, 2004
Words can not describe the unforgettable time I had in Cuba with
my Ladybirds.
I don't think I've ever been so sad to leave a place. There were
many beautiful moments, many beautiful sights, sounds and smells.
And of course lots of sun.
Here are my
pictures. Here are some collective
pictures on the Ladybird site. And here is Janine's
journal like low-down of the trip in her own sweet words.
I know it's been said before folks, but this time it's for real!
I've hooked up with Inbetweens
booking company in Europe for a tour in the fall. It's coming!!!
January 27th, 2004
All this crazy weather is too much for the Ladybirds.(Even though
I enjoy the snow when I'm not driving in it!) So, we're off to a
tropical beach soon. We'll be spending some quality time together
loving the sun and rehearsing for the upcoming cd we're going to
record. A real Ladybird cd! Yay! Check back here for the loads of
photos I know will be taken on the trip.
Here are some pictures of a night of music at Healey's.
Be safe out there...
December 7th, 2003
I've had the pleasure of joining my friend and fellow Ladybird
McClelland on her radio promo tour of Canada. The single "White
Lies" from her upcoming cd "Stranded in Suburbia"
has been well received at many radio stations and the video for
the same song can be seen on Much More Music and MTV Canada. I can't
tell you how proud I am of her and everything she's accomplished
with her music. She's a wonderful friend and I'm so glad to be sharing
some of her journey!
Pictures of the radio tour are here:
You can catch the Ladybirds
at "Christmas at the Casbah" on December 22nd. Info is
here. Its a great night organized by the
wise and whimsical Jacob
Moon to raise money for Wesley Urban Ministries for this holiday
...and speaking of holidays...hope everyone has a wonderful one!
November 1st, 2003
A few weeks ago, the Ladybirds played at the Grand Theatre in Kingston,
Ontario. A big ol' wonderful theatre complete with soft squishy
seats, an attentive listening audience, a great sound system, groovy
hosts...and bats. Played a couple chords of a tune and just before
we started to sing, down swooped a very confused little bat. I thought
he was cute...Melissa had a different perspective on that. After
a couple of near misses to Ladybird heads, mister batty found a
better place to be than caught in the bright stage lights, and hid
away in the rafters of the theatre. The show continued without any
other wildlife disturbances. It was a grand night, and you can see
photos here.
Halloween night in Toronto...you never know what you'll see....
News on the Europe front...a tour is in the works for the fall
of 2004. Yay!
September 14, 2003
A picture from the cd release show. It was a fun time! Thanks to
all who attended and special thanks to those who shared the stage
with me. I couldn't have asked for a better night. There are a few
pictures here and
there'll be more soon.
The second anniversary of September 11th has just passed. Jeff
Robson of CJUM radio in Winnipeg had these kind words to say about
my song on that subject:
"For radio hosts or those looking to commemorate this tragic
date, Lisa Winn's CD "Out From Under" contains the most poignant
and moving 9/11 song I've heard to date. "Cover My Eyes" will definitely
be featured in my Sept. 11 memorial set, to be included in the brand
new radio show I'm involved with. Lisa has perfectly summed up my
feelings about the most significant event of my life time. Songs
are powerful that way, and I'm often moved to remember things I'd
rather not when I hear that song. But, it's a good thing, music's
supposed to move you, and that song certainly does. It's going to
be tough singing that song onstage on the second anniversary, Lisa,
I don't envy you. Folks, go see Ladybird Sideshow and pick up Lisa's
CD. Nuff said."
Wow...thanks Jeff.
Here's some pictures
of the Ladybird Sideshow and Ox show at the Blacksheep Inn. Fun
fun fun!!!!
August 27, 2003
Ladybird Erin
Smith in the summer sun...Happy Birthday E-Pants!
Summer...gone too fast. Today though, I was thinking how much I
am looking forward to autumn...my favourite season. It's also the
season of cd releases! September 6th you can check out cd release
shows of local bands Snack,
and me! Here's the digs for my show:
Lisa Winn - 'Out From Under' cd release show
Saturday September 6th
Absinthe (formerly the Hudson)
233 King St. East - Hamilton, Ontario - 905-529-0349
$6 cover - 9pm start
Opening the night will be Hamilton's own amazing singer/songwriter
Les Cooper and incredible musical talent Jacob
Moon. Other special musical guests include Melissa
McClelland, Erin
Smith, Bob Doidge, and the Gospel Girls.
Also, check out the 'live' page for more
shows coming up in September.
The Ladybirds shared a bunch of nutty days in July, playin' music,
makin' new friends, drinkin', hangin' out with horses, and just
bein' the cool ladies that we all are. Here's some pictures.
July 5, 2003
Above...the prim and proper Ladybird Sideshow girls in Victoria,
B.C. Someone decided it would be funny to take a "splits picture"
in every city we played. Our adventure was quickly renamed "The
Crotch Canada Tour." Heehe.
Again on our second tour, these amazing women blew my mind at every
turn. I'm honored to be part of such an incredible musical experience.
Their support, love and friendship mean the world to me....not to
mention, they're all HOT! Look for some Quebec and Ontario dates
in September when we share a short tour with "Ox."
All the pictures of the May 2003 tour are here.
My new cd, Out From Under is being well received. Here's
a couple of reviews. Go to the "order"
page to get your very own copy! Speaking of the new cd, I'm hoping
to have a release show in Hamilton soon. I'll post it on the "live"
page when all is confirmed.
Looks like the Europe tour is not going to happen this year. But
fear not Europe fans...I'll get there eventually!
I miss the west very much.
May 8, 2003
Wow...so much change in my little world. I'm leaving Vancouver
in a few days, which is very sad. I've made some wonderful friends
here, and rekindled some old friendships. I've grown very attached
to the beauty and spirit of this place. I hope to return soon.
But...there's a great reason for my leaving...the Ladybird Sideshow
tour is what takes me away. I'm sooo looking forward to hanging
out and singing with my girls again. I'm sure everyone here is sick
of hearing about them, cause all I talk about is how awesome they
are! We have the tour starting tonight, then festivals, various
shows and smaller tours scheduled in Ontario for the summer. I'm
really excited about it! Check out the new and improved website:
I've been having fun with my digital camera lately. I've done a
couple of photo journals, the first one called "totems"
you can see here.
There are lots of pictures here
as well of a funky art/music/film/spoken word night that my roommates
and I hosted at our house. Basically, the three of us called or
emailed all our friends and asked them to contribute their creations.
We were blown away by what showed up at our doorstep. Some very
talented and creative people in this city. It was a blast.
And...oh yeah...MY NEW CD IS FINALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!! After many
months of waiting, "Out From Under" has been pressed,
packaged and is ready for all to hear. It will be available at all
my upcoming shows, and you can order it on line at New
World Cd's. For those of you who pre-ordered, your copy is waiting
at Dr. Disc
- 20 Wilson Street in Hamilton.( 905-523-1010) Other copies will
be available for sale there for those of you who didn't pre order.
The order page on my site
has any other details you might need.
Good bye west coast....*sniff*
February 7, 2003
First, the sad news...the Europe tour scheduled for April has now
been postponed until September.
But there's good news too! The
Ladybird Sideshow (with all original members) shall live again!!!
Look for us in May in a town near you as part of a cross Canada
tour. Dates and venues to be announced soon.
My new cd "Out From Under" should be ready for release
in April. I'm so excited!
The "super hamster" picture comes from one of my new
favourite websites: www.toothpastefordinner.com
. Drew rocks.
And check out my other new favourite website: www.bookcrossing.com
. Free your books!
December 23, 2002
Vancouver is beautiful.
For those of you waiting for the new cd...it's coming. I promise.
The finishing touches are being added, and it should be ready in
the next couple of months.
Happy holidays everyone!